Where is my head at? If you find it please let me know

Here it is already the 8 of January and I am now obsessing with the thought of moving to England! Yup you heard it right! It won’t be for a while yet there’s a LOT of things that need to happen before I even consider the notion of what lies ahead! The thought came to me after a very LONG call From my Husbands best friend who had lived with us on and off again though out the 70’s and 80’s! He told me his wife Past away just before Christmas, yet another horrible death among all the others that happened last year! So far no one has died yet so hopefully we’re off to a great start! Anyway He informed us he’s sold the house in AZ and hopefully by the end of February he’ll be settled in. Which got me thinking My Husbands best friend and he’s been looking at places closer to where they all grew up including 2 other Friends who gave up life in London so it would be our little family of friends! However Hubby is working full time with a very well known musician who still has a few good years left, so no retiring in the near future and he won’t leave him until he does, So there’s that. I myself can go and come as I please because Being a self proclaimed Artist I have no boundaries <<insert Happy Dance here>> I loved living in England I also think I have more friends there than I do here in NY! California is a whole different story! Most of my friends still live out west! Which right now is out of the question unless I win the Mega 1.1 Billion dollars, wishful thinking! Hey you never know! You can’t win if you don’t play right?

Well it’s getting late and I’m off to bed

So hope your New Years is going as smoothly as mine is for now anyway

Peace and Happiness all around

New Year, New Topics 1/2/2023

As we enter a New Year, fresh with new opportunities and say goodbye to what has been the worst Year of my life, good riddance ending with yet another death of a friend, on what was his 44th Birthday! It couldn’t possibly get any worse! So at the stroke of Midnight we opened the door to let the old year out and welcome 2023! This is the Year we step out of our little cave and bring Life back into our lives! So as a Planner Girl I already have 2 books and a journal all set up and mostly decorated up because that’s who I am and I simply won’t write in something that doesn’t make me smile! The main Planner has all my Goals, Passwords, Movie lists, personal info, banking, health related info, pet related info, automobile info, credit card and debt info and for the 1st time exercise trackers(which I already blown) along with all the other daily trackers! You may laugh but if it weren’t for my everyday trackers I would probably forget to do most of them! IE vitamins, flossing, spending, AM and PM facials, and even Pooping! Yup Pooping! My Doctor loves that I track that! Lately I’ve been tracking my moods! Because Like I said worse year ever that started in 2020 oh and I almost forgot I have an app on my phone connected to my watch for my stress levels! That’s been telling me on a daily basis to take it easy I’m in the red! Except I think it’s stuck in that mode, I can’t possibly be in the red all the time! So yes time for some much needed Self Love! Oh and BTW that particular Book never leaves this house in case you are wondering! I have another that goes with me where ever I go! For notes, appts, to do lists carried over from my main planner! Now I should have but, didn’t write in my Journal until the end of Sept of last year! I really don’t like writing horrible memories down! I really should have though, even if it was Hurtful, Mean and Dark! And it is a place I never want to go back to ever again! I did however have a bit of harmless revenge! My Gal Pals were great still are! Always having my back I will say one thing I’ll never look at Hot Sauce the same way ever again without laughing<<<insert evil laugh here>>>! Yes Good Riddance 2020-22!

So this is a new year with a fresh start, except it just feels like just a different day! Same thing just a different day! At least I’m writing in my old Blog again! This makes me happy, I should have never stopped! I like writing even if nobody but me will ever read this! I may share this with my new writers group or not we’ll see! I think this just may be a Great year ahead! If my Goal list comes true!

The Tattooed Stoner

I know I’ve been silent for quite a while now but so much has happened in the last 6months… Lets just start off with,well went on Vacation to see my family and friends out west and well I’m still here! And that was back in Feb!   Mom decided to go have open heart surgery and she was admitted on March 28 and is now just going through rehab! Grueling to say the least, I wish this on Nobody!!! Thankfully she had one of the best cardiovascular surgeons around! This man had no sense of humor at all though!  A complete straight shooter! That was until he met Albert and that was when we found out he was a HUGE BOC fan! Who knew… I’m mean the Dr’s name was Rick Martin oh come on!!! How could you not have a sense of Humor!  Although Ricky Martin is his cousin after all!

She spent 2 weeks in CCU under the care of Dr Q whom I still can’t pronounce his name but I called him Dr Cutie Q!  I think he liked that!  And after getting to know him better, it turns out not only was he the Head of the Hospital but he was a golf pro golfing along sides with Tiger and the rest of the greats, and he went to a Flight school academy when he was 11! We should have called him Dr Dougie Howser Cutie Q! And he put mom in a suite after she was released from CCU that had the most spectacular view of the Las Vegas strip skyline!  She was treated like a Queen! It’s Good to get to know people in high places…

OK well thats why I’m still out here but lots of other awesome and amazing things have happened while here as well! And I’ve been told by a few friends who have gotten my middle of the night texts to go BLOG this stuff! So Here it is… except where do I begin?

My little Nissan! Ok Ya’ll know I’m a complete car snob (thanks Dad) and my Mom bought this little old Sentra from a 90 something year old lady and it only had 45,000 miles on it even though it’s 18yrs old for $1000.00!  Ok so 1st off it’s 100degrees out here and it had no air-conditioning! next it was stalling out and skipping gears! I could live with that but no way was I going to live without air!!! So I brought the car to Nissan and after $2800.00 the Air worked Great! However it still wasn’t right so back to Nissan it went!  Now keep in mind I actually do own a car out here, my little precious Miata that I have owned since new back in 97! I gave that car to my Mom and well now it’s in really sad shape and undriveable, the hood is latched down with a chain and someone cut the roof and it’s missing the top of the headlight!  This was a car that was Hand buffed and NEVER went through a car wash! It’s now sitting in the driveway! I had to put a cover over it because I just want to burst into tears everytime i went by it! It looks so Sad! Like don’t ya love me anymore! 😦

Ok my little Brother comes to me with a loaner car!  OK now keep in mind this is from his 20 something yr old stepson! Who just got this car off of a friend of his!  Now I’m very very grateful for he’s generosity! I really am!!! However I’ve never been so embarrassed driving around in a car like this in my life!  OK it was a Caddy CTS Blackout windows (Thank GOD) a little ruff to say the least! No power steering, everything that needed servicing showed up on the dash well what was left of the dash!  More buttons missing than I could count! not to mention when you stopped the car you had to leave it in gear just to lock the doors! Oh I almost forgot about, what I say, was blood stains on the ceiling   It gets worse! On the back window ETCHED in the glass was and I quote here! “Keep Your DICK Beaters off my Caddy” with a fist shaped, well lets just say it was a little obscene, underneath the words beater!

Now I should have figured out that the gas gage was also defective, I asked Chris if there was gas in it and he said yeah you got about 85miles left in it! about 2 days later Chris came over and drove the car and brought it back. When I got in it to go the Hospital to visit Mom it read Full! So yay he filled the tank for me (Happy Dance) upon leaving the hospital I decided to go up Flamingo (which is like a small freeway in its own) to go to the Hard Rock to get something to eat! I get about 5blocks from the hospital and the Caddy decides to run out of gas! Panic stuck I pull it over to the far left turn lane to the fire-station and it’s dead! and sticking out into the other lane! Fortunately there had been a 2 car collision on the opposite side exactly where I was! So the police was more involved with them and leaving me alone! Called AAA and thankfully rescued me within 45mins of pure HUMILIATION! The cop did eventually did come to me to see what was the matter it’s a GREAT thing he didn’t ask for the registration or insurance card! If he had, I think I may have been given a shiny new pair a bracelets and gotten a ride in the back of a pretty spiffy white SUV with fancy blue and red lights on top!

So after about a week of driving this piece of crap around I find out one night I’ve been driving with FREAKIN Blue Head Lights OMG as if it couldn’t get any worse! Yes I gave the car back to Mikey with a full tank of gas and I never want to see that vehicle ever again!!! Except now I have to bring Moms little car back because it’s still doing the stall thing and the check engine light came back on!  This is after I put another $1800. into it! So the tally on the little car is now a little over 4 grand! I could have bought a car for that! But she needs her car to get to her poker and bingo games so what can I say!  Yes I have also looked into getting my little Mazdaradi back in shape it really is only cosmetic but having spent that much on the little Nissan I’m going to have to wait a few weeks!

OK so to the fun stuff nobody ever thought was ever possible from me!

Albert comes in for the weekend a few weeks ago and he decided to shoot his Video Blog and just for giggles we end up in a Pot Shop! Now those who know me know I don’t smoke pot never have and never will and how I hate the way it smells! Now after learning about all the good stuff and not the stuff that just gets you high I’m intrigued! Hmm cure for insomnia, anxiety, and everything on my list and it won’t get you stupid high Keep talking… Ok Sold!  I got a Pot License and Holy Crap this stuff is awesome!!! I got a honeybee bear filled with Honey and the stuff that doesn’t make you high and its Great in Sleepytime tea at bed time!  Good bye xannax and sleeping pills! Ok well half of them anyway! Babysteps…  Not only that but THIS Needle- Phobe got a FREAKING tattoo! on the same day! Ok I know I always said I would never ever get one, because not only am I needlephobic but they’re just not for me!  And Albert got one too! That was the craziest weekend ever!

Which time forward to now! I’m sitting in my Sister-in-laws business office playing receptionist! Yes I got a FREAKING job in an office Ha haven’t done that in 30yrs although  I’m doing this for free to help her out and I set my own hours which good because I’m not a morning person so 11-3 sounds good for me and Mom’s rehab is right across the street!

So there’s another 1st!  I seriously don’t know how people can work 9-5 I was always a night owl so I always gravitated to those types of jobs not “Normal” jobs I guess thats why I like doing my art! It’s a Job but it’s not a job its fun time and I can do it anytime I want even at 4:30am if I want to and I can do it in my Jammies!  I am fortunate that way and THANKFUL!!!

Well I guess I’ve bored you all to tears by now so until next time, probably tomorrow because I have a Day job now and a computer to keep me busy!

Yours Truly

The Tattooed Stoner

Little pairs of Art…Shoes

Ok so most of you who know me, know how much I love shoes! It’s a trait I probably inherited from my Dad! I also Love Handbags but that another story for another day and I also think I got that trait all by myself!   Dad always said you can tell a lot about a person from their Shoes and their Watches! Which I might add, may have been the case back in his day but now, not so much! I also might say, even though I have one of the greatest shoe collection on the planet (apart from Carrie Bradshaw) all I ever seem to wear are Uggs in the Winter and either Chucks (Converse) or flip flops in the summer!  There they are, my little works of art in my closet all displayed for me to look at and enjoy! It’s like my own little personal Art Gallery! Yup today’s topic is going to be all about Shoes!

Let me start out by saying that we all have to wear them so why not wear Art for your feet! You can wear Pointy toes, Round, Square, Open toed, High heel, Medium, Kitten, or even what they call F*ck me pumps, Wedgies, Platforms the list goes on and on and don’t forget Boots, don’t even get me started on Boots… <<Sigh>>!

Nobody ever told me, “Hey you look Fat in those Shoes” but they have said, “Man, You look like you have the longest legs in those Heels”!  So why not be kind to Your feet and give them some Love by wearing a pair of Blahniks, Choo’s, Prada, Gucci, Louboutin…Or even a pair of well worn Chucks!

Now that also goes for the men too! A good pair of Spiffy shoes just makes you feel better! It puts a, “Dash” of class to your attitude!  I don’t care who you are, but a guy in a pair of Beatle boots makes you look like you know who you are and what you want! Compare them to Construction boots or Old Reeboks or God forbid…Crocs and I’ll take the Guy with the Beatle boots everytime! Just sayin… It’s not just Beatle Boots but you got Oxfords, Loafers, Doc’s or anything in Italian leather now thats Amore! If your a Guy going out for the evening wear the good stuff not your work boots!

Now I’m not saying that you need to go out and buy a pair of $500.00 shoes to be classy you don’t!  Just make sure the shoes you buy, you love!  I’m not that much of a shoe snob! I have been known to buy cheap shoes and I’ve even been to, wait for it… “Payless”! I know shock right! But by no means shoes HAVE to be expensive! You just have to love them!

I also want to add that expensive shoes also sometimes comes with a little more pain not only for your wallet but if not worn in properly it can often cause pain to your tootsies!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked to be dropped off at the front door so I didn’t have to walk as far in my precious Manolo’s! Oh and NEVER in the rain or snow!!! That’s Ugg time and bring the shoes in your oversized tote bag!

Yes Shoes Just 1 of the things I love! Even with the Blisters…

Yup I went there!

Ok so it’s been a while since I posted one of these things, and since they turned the power off for 4hrs to do some street work, I have no choice but to do something else besides playing silly games on my computer!  I might as well put this time (which is all I have at the moment) to good use and write a few things down that I’ve been thinking about!
Oh great now I can’t think of anything… well what a minute and maybe this brain fart of mine will go away!
Ok here’s something I’ve been giving a lot of thought to lately and even though I said I would NEVER talk about it, I’m going to go back on my words – reminder my Blog and I can say what I want 🙂 Don’t unfriend me for it!
1: Religon!
Most of you that know me well, know I’m not Religious in anyway, Yes I went to Catholic school, but in the same sentence I was also kicked out of Catholic school!  I told the nuns I didn’t want to be Catholic anymore, which by the way didn’t go down very well especially with my Dad’s side of the family! My Grandmother who went to church twice a day never spoke to me in English ever again after that! I was and Outcast!!! My Mom who has changed her religion 3 maybe 4 times is still searching and other Grandparents on my Moms side. Nana grew up in a Very Strict Dutch Reform Family and not sure but I think my Grandfather was Lutheran or Baptist! Neither were of which was religious in anyway shape or form!  I think my Grandmother thought pretty much the same way I did!  Mom on the other hand, well lets just say, she’s still soul searching!  Dad gave up on me long, long time ago after I was kicked out of St. Augustines Catholic school!  I guess I should never have told those Nuns I thought that their precious book was pure make believe! I mean really some of those stories in it, give me a break! The “Bible” was written years and years ago and rewritten, and rewritten over and over ok some of it may be true and there is a lot of great quotes and things you should do and believe in, but ya lost me at the parting of the Red sea and the Ark!  How can you build something that big and then gather 2 of every animal on the planet? come on 1 guy built this Giant Boat which had be the size of the state of Texas! It would take a life time to even gather all the animals on the planet if that was even possible! It’s a good story but I think really thats all it is!
I don’t believe that going to school and learning about the stories in that “Sacred” book of theirs and then having Nightmares about going to Hell every night was worth living for! Come on I was forced to Pray before going to bed! No kid should ever have to say before they go to bed, “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my Soul to keep. If I should DIE before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”!  It’s no wonder I’m the Insomniac that I am! That’s down right terrifying for a Kid to say before going to bed! I would lay awake thinking I was going to die every night! And then I would be probably be going to Hell because well lets just say, “Because” and leave it at that!
Now I’m not saying Religion is a bad thing, quite the opposite, if you believe more power to you! I’m just saying it’s not for me!  And I think whether your God is Buddha, Jesus, Allah or whom ever, that’s ok too I’ll respect you no matter what!  I think its good to follow your heart and believe what ever or whom ever you choose to be your anchor in life!
If I were to pick a religion it would Buddhist! I even collect Buddha’s I have ever since my 20’s,  they are everywhere! They make me smile!  What’s not to smile about them you get to rub their tummies for good luck!
Ok even with that said and I think I’m going a little off track here, lets get to the point in hand, which is religion!
It’s occurred to me, most wars are started over it, Why?  My God is better than your God so lets kill each other over it… Yeah that makes a lot of sense to me, NOT!  Religion is supposed to be a good thing, peace love and understanding… So why is everyone fighting over it?  It’s like rioting in your own town, I never understood that either!  Hey our team won let’s burn this Car! Yay!
I recently watched the movie Ghandi for the 1st time!  Great movie btw!  However it got me thinking WTF at the end! Here’s a guy that is like a modern day Jesus and his religion bites him in the ass at the end, hey just like Jesus only Jesus came back apparently, and if he did where is he now? Did he die again or is he walking among us like a modern day Zombie!  He hasn’t done anything spectacular over the last say, 2000yrs I’m mean really, I believe science over miracles any day!  All though I do know that there are things in this world that can not be explained, granted and that are in my words, “Miracles”!  Like the “Solar System” I can’t wrap my head around that at all! I mean, I look up in the sky at night and all I think is there HAS to be an end to it, it can’t just go on and on forever! It just doesn’t make any sense to me at all! If there’s a beginning there has to be an end! So what’s on the other side of the solar system??? So if science can’t provide me with an answer I guess it must be a “Miracle” or something to that effect!
Now as for saying “Merry Christmas” over “Happy Holidays” Give me a Break! Say Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, Happy Kwanza, Put a Giant Blowup Santa on your lawn or even the Baby Jesus, Mary and Joesph with the 3 wise men looking at the manger.  It’s the Freaking holidays!  Have Fun! All though my Neighbor (The one I don’t like) has a Giant blow up Dinosaur on his front lawn and I can’t seem to think where that fits in, just saying…
Why are people upset just because it doesn’t fit in with their beliefs?  If your and Atheist just ignore it or better yet, join in on the fun! You don’t have to be religious to enjoy the Holidays! Geeze people get a life!
Have a little fun Spread some Cheer! Even get a Christmas tree! It smells great and it has GLITTER whats not to love!!!

2016 has been a really Rough year for A Lot of People lets make 2017 a year Everyone gets along!!!



Parents we all got them! Some are just stranger than others!!!

Yup I’m going there!  Growing up I guess you would call it pretty darn perfect! Lived on both coasts, never having to want anything, doting parents, Grandparents etc… We were a pretty picture perfect family! Except the dog, Dad was allergic! Actually he was allergic to pretty much everything!  But that’s ok, He was my Dad!

We went on more Adventures then most families, we flew, we drove, we had fun!  I think I travelled across the country more times before the age of 5 then most adults there entire lives!

That was until, yup you guessed it, “The Divorce” that pretty much changed everything! Dad moved us back to San Diego where he “Took Up” with a flight attendant who looked like a Super Model and had a FREAKING Dog!!!  To this day I will never ever own a Poodle!  He loved that dog!  What’s worse is that dog had the same B’day as I did, so we got to share B’day parties!  To top it off it got more presents than I did, not to mention a pate’cake while I got some store bought thing from Vons! I know right Geeze! Yes I’m whining sorry!  So after they got married things just went downhill from there!  Didn’t get to go on our precious adventures unless it was our monthly trip to Disneyland, or Seaworld, mostly Disneyland! I liked Disneyland and everything Disney!  My idol was Mary Poppins! Collected everything Mary! I wanted to live in that magical house in London where people laughed and floated to the ceiling and jump and dance on the roof tops!  It was just so Magical!  Something that had abruptly stopped at my house, the magic had gone!

Mom went to work as a Stockbroker and was trying her best at raising 2 young kids on her own!  Chris and I were pretty much left to our own defenses because her hours were so weird!  She had to be at work on NY time when the Stock Market opened which meant leaving the house before we got up and we had to get ourselves ready for school on our own!  Hey for a couple of adolescents we did pretty good!  Breakfast usually consisted of Carnation instant Breakfasts and lord know what clothes Chris picked out for himself, but I, the Fashionista that I am usually wore Levi cords and a teeshirt!  Oh and there was those “Ditto’s” I think I had them I every color!  But I did love my Cords!  After school mom was still never home!  Even though she usually got out before we got out of school,

She met a Man whom she worked with named John, who eventually became my Stepdad! So now I had 2 sets of Parents!  Ok a lot of Kids my age did so I guess it was the Norm! Christmas and birthdays were pretty cool (Apart from that freaking Poodle Gidget, or Gidgie as my Dad called her)! I grew to love them both!  MeMe (Dad’s wife) actually taught me how to cook Italian food, she was married twice before to the same guy who was somehow connected to the Mob!  But was safely in prison… And John took over in the Adventure dept!  Which always ended up to a trip to TJ 3 times a week!   Sidenote TJ is short for Tijuana for all my eastcoasties!  There, He and Mom knew all the well to do Business and BAR owners! So we were pretty much taking care of! And if you ever made it down there in the 70’s it was always an ADVENTURE!!! We used to go to the Jai Alai games and Races but never to the Bullfights!  No I wouldn’t have gone anyway!!!  But I loved the street vendors, so much crap, so much fun!  As I got older, I even got to go to all the bars at 16, nice to know people in high places hahahah!  Well things sometimes got a little weird especially when you took a date with you that you were trying hard to impress!  John had a knack for embarrassing you on purpose!  I’m not going into to details but… They had fun!

Well MeMe lasted the 16yr rule and they got divorced! Dad had a 16yr marriage rule apparently, which kinda became a joke with wifey #3 whom he never technically got married to (Thank God)  We had an intervention with him! Aunts, Uncles and the lot, all got together and said DON’T marry this one!  Not that we didn’t like her at the time but in the end she really truly was an Evil Person!  Karma folks that’s what I’m counting on here! He loved her family more than he loved her, that was apparent!  Actually we all did!  To this day Thanksgiving hasn’t been the same!  It’s been 7 years since Dad left us and there hasn’t been a day I don’t think about him!  Miss him terribly!  John passed away just after 9/11 and I still think about all the craziness he put me trough!  One comes to mind and I still have to laugh, when the Rodney King trials happened, I was renting the house of the lawyer that represented SGT Koons and got him acquitted! Darrel’s (The Lawyer) Daughter lived next door! Not 2mins after the verdict was read we got a call from Darrel saying, “Get the F*ck out of the House NOW!”  Apparently we had occurred death threats!  Ok So I packed up as much as I could and Sidney, my Golden Retriever and I, went off down to San Diego!  John… had a much better Idea, “Lets go to a friends place on the beach in Mexico”!  OMG the trip started out with him backing into a car at the border and went downhill from there!  On our way to Ensenada he decided to drive really slow for some reason, the line of cars behind us was getting longer and longer and the more I bitched the slower he went!  Bicycles were passing us!  I never thought that we would ever get to his friends place!!!  Yeah, “The Friends” place on the beach!  Turns out it was a tiny rusted out trailer that hadn’t been occupied for X amount of years!  And smell, no description can describe it!  OH NO WAY Jose! I slept in the back of the Mercedes with my dog at my side!  But it’s so nice down here! I would rather have stayed in the riots!  Probably safer too!

John: Ok, Ok but while were down here lets go have some fun!

Me: Are you driving???


Me: Then No!

John: Ok you drive!

Me: Ok then what shall we do?

John: Well I know of a great Bar not far from here with amazing food! Le tiger (or something like that)!

Me: Fine and that when I became the Designated driver! Needless to say we didn’t go back to the “Friends Place”  I had the keys 🙂  I actually did have a Blast that trip, We saw some Touristy things Like the Buffadoro  Ok I’m guessing that’s how it’s spelled but what it was was a giant Blowhole in the rocks and when the surf came in it looked like a volcano erupting! That was cool!  They have one in Hawaii too! Then on the way back we went to Señor Frogs, that was tradition for anyone who goes down there! I honestly can’t remember getting home for all know we went back to the “Friends Place on the beach”!

Yeah I miss those memories for sure and all the Adventures we had and we had A LOT!  My Parents were goofballs and was always up to something, Weird thing thing is both Stepmoms are on Facebook and They keep showing up on my page asking me do you know these people! Yes and I do and no I won’t friend them!  Still it creeps me out seeing them on there! My Brother friended, MeMe but neither of us will ever friend Lyle!

I could go on and on about the many adventures we had but, now I think I’m just rambling so I think maybe I’ll save them for another day! And on that Note my Friends, Peace!

Pissing People off without really trying!

I guess I have a really true talent in that respect! It doesn’t really take me to long or to hard to accomplish it so, well yesterday was no exception!  This time it was my Lovely Dr. G…  I went in, like I promised I would for my end of trip (which she didn’t really want me to go to in the 1st place) But I made her a promise that I would take my “Wackadoodle” Drugs, which she prescribed and come see her after the trip!  Ok so I did do the drugs… and I truly apologize to all the people that listened to me babble on about abosoultly nothing!  So the nanosecond I walked in to her office, she took 1 look at me and started reading me the riot act, NOT KIDDING! Man I guess I looked like the walking dead!  She said by the looks of me I over did it!  Ok to be fair, yes I guess I kinda did overdo it a bit!  However how the hell could she tell just by looking at me!  She said I looked liked the, and I quote here, “The Whitest, White Girl she’s ever seen”!  You are  so Anemic, she was ready to call an ambulance right then and now!

“Do you want to die”!  No I just want to get a good nights sleep!  Are you taking your Iron tablets I prescribed to you!  I am now!  Ok lets go another way here!  Here’s is a whole new cocktail of prescription drugs maybe this will do the trick!  Then I proceeded to tell her about what happened the day of my flight home!  Where I had 4 flight attendants looking after me! They rearranged the back of the plane so I could have 3 seats to lay down on and they actually had an Ambulance on standby at JFK waiting for me!  I’m tough didn’t need it! I just wanted to go back to my little apt on upper westside and go to bed!!!  It was a horrible experience and I feel so sorry for Albert who was such a rock through the whole thing!  Even in the Cab ride home he wanted to take me to the ER!  But Nope all I wanted to do is go home and rest!  Well I feel great now but apparently I get to go see a New Doctor who specializes in female issues!  Yay Me!  Wait till they find out about my needle phobia! This outta be fun! NOT!

Ok so last night I took my pills and amazing, I went right to sleep!  2hrs later I was wide awake!  Yes that’s why I was on Facebook till 5:30! And that’s when I thought it was safe to take another “Happy Pill” and I slept till noon…Until that’s when Louie woke me up, barking to get back up on the bed!  Hey I got an 8hr sleep! Sorta! It’s a start!  Lets see what tonight brings!

Jet Lag Maybe…No

Ok so It’s been a while since I, “Blogged” and I know how much you missed me! Ha! And ALOT has happened since the last one, but I’m still having trouble getting my nightly 10hrs of sleep!  It’s been drastically reduced to 3-4hrs tops and last night was no exception! So apart from that, came up you guessed it another night in Wacky Dreamland!  So Last nights movie was kinda strange, it involved bills!  We all got them! But this one was a little different!  I Dreamt once in a life time you get what they call a, “Waybler” (It’s my dream  and  I can call it what ever I want) and this “Waybler” allows you to dissolve all your credit card debt!  Pretty cool right!  So they consolidate all your bills and show you what you owe on them! I had 3, Citibank master card, my beloved Southwest Airline Visa and a Walmart card, which I don’t have in real life nor would I but I had one in this dream!  My Citibank card showed that I over paid them and they owed me money a whole .10cents yippee! But the visa showed me pictures of buying my Brother a $6000.00 suit and a Viking stove!  Now in real life those of you who actually read my Facebook posts know that all my major appliances really did decide to all break down this summer! Except my stove, maybe that’s because I’m the only one who actually knows where it is!!! But there was the pictures!  Oh side note, I’ve never bought my Brother a $6000.00 suit before, a pair of Chucks (Converse) yes but not a suit! Ok so they had me down for something like $1200.00 which in real life would be nice!  Ok Waybler time, in order to qualify for a “Waybler” You much summit a photo of yourself and an explanation, easy enough right!  So I’m looking through all the photo’s most of which consisted of people making funny faces and one guy even did the Pig face, where you put 2 fingers up your nostrils and lift up!  And then there was Denzil Washingtons picture, total head shot, his excuse was that he met Oprah!  And Poof he got Absolution!  Geezee must be nice!  Ok so this got me thinking I really didn’t owe that much but what would be my excuse for this so called Waybler,  I got it!  I’ll put a photo of Pappy (my long Haired Chihuahua) right after she came back from the vet Stoned out of her mind on her happy drugs!  img_0476Hey that will do it right! Then I woke up to see this exact pose!  Wonder if I got my Waybler?  🙂

All Quiet on the Western front! Hardly!

All I’m going to say is, It’s been non stop bop in a NY minute!  Yes I still can’t sleep however it doesn’t matter because I’m riding on a cloud of Great Wine and awesome new friends and my beloved CA food! Oh and SHOPPING!  North Beach Leather, even though they changed their name they are still the BEST place in the WORLD for a new leather coat! New Hair, blisters from walking but I don’t care! San Francisco is one of my Favorite cities and always will be!  Tomorrow will be a celebration of life of an old friend, Sandy Perlman and a lot of Friends I haven’t seen in many years will be coming in! Not to mention one of my BFF’S Andy who we are kidnapping and bringing down to LA on Thurs! WAHOOOO ROAD TRIP!!! More Adventures to come! It 4:30am NY time I better try and shut my eyes! Life’s Short People Get on out there and have as many Adventures, Love Life, Don’t sweat the small shit, look at the bright side, don’t hang out with people that “Yuck Your YUM”! I’m quoting Albert!  Well you get the picture Peace out! xo

CA vs NY/ Left vs Right There IS a difference

Ok so I’ve been thinking,  I’ve lived on both coasts now my entire life.  Started life right here on the Island in NY then we packed up and move to CA after a few years moved to RI then it was back to CA where I stayed till about 15yrs ago now and then moved back to NY where It all started! (who said you could never go home again)! Nuts right?  So I’ve been thinking, (which you all know by now is that’s all I’ve been doing since I have all this time on my hands with nothing else to do)!  Ok so What’s the difference between the 2 coasts!  Well A lot really! I must say, The people on the East are a lot more forthcoming, they say what’s on their minds and they don’t mince words! The West not so much, much more subdued! Mellow, go with the flow! They say people in NY are the Rudest people on the planet, Not True at all, actually quite the opposite, they just seem that way because everyone seems to be in such a rush all the time!  CA people aren’t used to the rush unless you’re stuck on the 405 freeway anytime between the hrs of say 6am to 6am Sunday- Sunday!  Well that’s because CA people live in their cars!  We had to, we couldn’t get anywhere unless we drove!  Public transportation ewe!  Metrolink may have changed things a bit for the better now but back in my time… Ewe!  Albert, “Hates” the way I drive Says I’m to aggressive, Slow down, why don’t I let people pass and, or let them cut in! Yada Yada Yada!  Hey I drive better then most NYC cabbies so don’t even go there!  At least I don’t make a Left hand turn from the far right lanes!   We were taught differently!  CA invented road rage!  And on top of it we were what we drove, so Cars were an important way of life!  But NEVER in the rain!  And OMG  Snow ha! When I moved back to NY, I had to be taught how to actually drive in the rain, and well as far as the snow goes, lets just say I’m getting better and better every year!  Side note Range Rovers make great snowplows when you can’t get out of your driveway!  And putting salt down doesn’t make the snow melt just gives you traction!  Yes I actually put a bag of salt under each wheel thinking thats the way it was done!  Like I say, I’m learning!  It’s just taking a little longer than expected!  I’ve been driving my way for a very LONG time now!  I also yell at the other drivers who have the audcity of driving on my stretch of road! (Though the comforts of my rolled up windows and behind my steel and carbon fiber barrier, mind you)! Albert has picked up that habit from me, which I find it quite amusing  at times!  Hey he was driving a Mini van when I got back here at least he’s graduated to a Porsche now!  I have always been a bit of a Car snob, I got that from my Dad who always had the Golden Rules to live by and driving Nice cars was one of those rules!  We’ll get to him later! But for now it’s all about East Vs West!  Food for instance! I on the west coast, thought Pizza ,always had pineapple on it! And Spaghetti either came with Ketchup on it or or it was covered in chili and had a Hamburger patty at the bottom of the bowl! And there were always Taco’s!  East coast foodies WHOA! Now they know their food out here!  They have their weird stuff out here too but WHOA!  Now let me just clarify something! you must be thinking I never had a good meal growing up as a kid, not true at all!  My Grandmother was an amazing cook as was my Dad (Thank God) Mom had her moments but after the divorce I pretty much had to fend for myself which meant living on Carnation instant Breakfasts and Frozen spinach which I loved!  She would make steak a lot and the spaghetti with the Ketchup until they came out with the Ragu sauce in a can! and a lot of TV dinners!  But I learned how to cook and as I’m no Masterchef but I’m not at all Bad either!  Hey I make my own Pasta now by hand, or rather machine, which yes I did buy because of my beloved infomercials!!  And I never use a jar sauce always fresh! Never ketchup! Those days are long gone! But back to the east vs west again!  I do miss my little taco stands! But they have Hot Dog venders out here!!! (made that mistake once)!  It’s no wonder I’m a vegetarian now!!!  Food issues Geeze! Ok now back to the issue at hand!  LOVED all my neighbors on the West coast!  Most of whom I’m still friends withs! And some I never even knew their names!  We pretty much all kept to ourselves out there! especially living in LA, a lot of my neighbors were Celebrities!  Ya just never knew who you would run into or in our case drive up next to, on the street going home!  Here in NY I like some of my neighbors but not all of them, out here in my little town it’s quite the Peyton Place everyones is in everyones business!  Its gossip central!  Hate that!  I like being unknown!  Which makes my neighbors to the south of me, “who shall remain nameless”, absolutely hate me! It all started when I put up a fence not only to separate my property from there’s but it was also so I could let my dogs run free and not get run over because I refuse to chain them up!  Holy Crap you would have thought world war 3 broke out!  It went down hill from there!  But now there’s a for sale sign up in their front yard so, HAPPY DANCE!  side note if any of my old CA neighbors want to move out here I’ll  help pack!  Just sayin…! Well I could go on and on about the differences but I Think the Moral of the story is Both Places have there ups and downs and home is where your heart is and right now that’s on the east coast! And on that note I think it’s time for me to actually get dressed and out of my Jammies as I have an important date with my Dr today!  Cheers!